Thursday, 23 August 2012

Loss and the Cliches

I have something to share today. Its about loving and cherishing the people who actually matter. Its about making the most out of your life till it lasts. I for one learnt this lesson the hard way.
We come across so many cliches in life but we never pause to think that some lines become cliches for a reason.
Very recently I lost my khala. She was like a mother to me, she was someone I could always count on no matter what. Whatever the problem she was always eager to solve. I think its true that Allah always takes the good people first.
She had a smile that could melt your heart. Her laughter still echoes in our mind. She knew how to live and I wish we learnt this from her in her life.
Khala you were my jaan and always will be. Ah! You left us so suddenly. We'll never forget you. Never.